Earning $$$ from home the Tigress Way

This page is dedicated to those of you whom are searching for Tigress ideas on how to earn $$ from your homes.
Generating $$ by Blogging: 
(Tigress Sponsor Idea # 1)
If you are a beginner to Blogging then this is the perfect teacher for you.  The Tigress has learned much from Blogelina.com.  She teaches step by step on how, when, were and what for your blogs. You can also join her
affiliations program without taking any of the classes. But they are Free when you first sign up as a viewer or affiliate  That's great news to all of us whom cannot afford these large companies costing mountains of $$ just to advertise for you.  You may also choose to take more classes with her at very little cost.  What you can generate from blogging will out weigh the cost of the classes!

Turn Your Blog Into Cash!

Blogging provides you with a unique tool to communicate. And while creating an online identity and blogging as that person or company image can be great fun, it can also be profitable. (And making money is certainly fun!)

Here are just a few ways you can monetize your blog:

Advertising Revenue. Whether you choose to sell ad space on your blog (and a blog with high traffic numbers will definitely be able to capitalize on this) you can also participate in AdSense or other PPC campaigns and make money from clicks.

Affiliate Revenue. Blog owners can publish affiliate banner ads, text ads and of course you can write great content with internal affiliate links to generate an additional income. In fact, many affiliate marketers use their blogs to do this exact thing.

Product Promotion. Finally, though certainly not the least of all, you can promote your own products or services on your blog. Just remember to keep it balanced. About 80% of your blog content should be valuable information and about 20% of it can be promotional.

Stand alone blogs can generate tremendous profits; they don’t need to be part of a bigger business selling products or services. To learn more about how to generate profits from blogging, check out Blogelina's Affordable Online Class: Profitable Blogging for Beginners.

If you want to increase your affiliate sales, what do you need?  More traffic.  You need to be consistently marketing and bringing more potential customers to your blog or website.  Easier said than done?   Here are some simple ways to increase your traffic. 

Article marketing 
Write up some articles about topics that your niche market will relate to.  Submit them to some of the bigger article directories, or to some related niche directories. 

Guest Blogging 
Find some blogs in your niche that accept guest blog posts and write for them.  The more popular the blog, the better.  To find them, do a Google search - type in "niche + guest blog" or "niche + write for us."   

Don't forget about search engine optimization. A lot of people think this is just too hard so they don't bother with it.  Find a simple course that will teach you the basics of SEO, and optimize your website.  It basically boils down to using good keywords in the right places, and getting some good quality websites to link to yours. 

Join some forums in your niche.  Become a "giver" by answering others' questions and offering some good information.  Get to know the other members and let them get to know you.  You will build some relationships by doing this, and can increase your sales through some gentle promotion. 

Paid Advertising 
This does have its place.  Although there are many free ways to bring in more traffic, you also may want to consider trying some paid advertising.  If you go this route, make sure you are advertising on a well-trafficked website/blog that attracts your target market.  Put your money to good use and choose wisely where you place your ads. 

Social Networking 
Is your target market on Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin?   If so, befriend them, like their pages, follow them - whatever the appropriate term is, do it!  Start a group and invite them to join. 

Getting more targeted traffic can all be summed up in one statement.  Hang out where your target market hangs out. Get to know them and let them get to know you.  Are they online?  Advertise and frequent where they are.  Are they offline?  Get flyers and ads up there.  Go where they are, get to know them, and let them get to know you.  You will see your sales increase as a result. 

Looking for ideas on how to turn all that traffic into cash?  
Consider joining Blogelina's Profitable Blogging Online Class and get 4 weeks of helpful info on monetizing your blog!
So you know you want to start a blog but you’re not sure how to go about it. Here are five easy steps, and a few good tips, to make the process quick and easy.

#1  Choose your niche. What’s your blog going to be about?  You may want to do a bit of keyword research here. If you already have a business, then your blog will be related to your online business and those keywords, however, you can still narrow your blog niche. 

For example, if you have an online business on dog training, your blog could be about positive reinforcement training, about housebreaking, or even about a tangent topic like feeding your dog – because health is important to training.

#2 Choose your platform. WordPress, Blogger, Typepad and Moveable type are only a few of the options. You can also explore the blogging platform your website host offers. Analyze and compare each platform to find the one that best meets your needs. Many people choose WordPress because of its easy to use nature and the ability to customize your blog.

#3 Create your blog site. Depending on the platform you’re using you will either be working with the template and customizations offered or you can have your blog site designed by a professional. There are thousands of templates, some paid and some free, available by WordPress developers and they’re easily customizable – you can get an original WordPress blog.

#4 Choose your blogging schedule and blog. How often are you going to blog?  Create a realistic schedule and stick to it. Remember that even if you decide you’re going to blog once a week, you can always blog more. Blogging less than that isn’t recommended. Blogs are active sites and people expect frequent content updates.

#5 Drive traffic. Once you feel comfortable with the number of posts you have on your blog and you’re happy with the way it looks, it’s time to drive traffic to your blog. Social networking, PPC, registering your blog with relevant directories and commenting on other related blogs helps drive traffic. 

Starting a blog isn’t the difficult part, the tough part is deciding to actually start! Visit Blogelina's Blogging Video Tutorials to learn more about what a blog can do for you.

Are you having trouble deciding which blogging platform is right for you and your business?  If you’re looking for an easily customizable and user friendly option, look no further than WordPress.

What WordPress Has to Offer

WordPress offers easily customizable templates with many of templates to choose from. Some of these templates are free and can be found online through a search engine, via the WordPress website, or from developers themselves. Other WordPress templates can be created and designed by a professional to meet your specific business needs. 

And you can also find WordPress templates available for sale online. In short, you can create a 100% unique website with WordPress templates.

It’s so very easy to use. Whether you’re a blogging novice or an industry expert, WordPress offers a user friendly control panel. Even the customization of readymade templates is pretty straightforward. 

And there are blog posts, manuals and forums on just about every WordPress topic under the sun which means if you have a question, chances are the answer is out there and easy to find.

Widgets and plug-ins. Because WordPress is so very popular, there are literally thousands of developers continuously working to create widgets and plug-ins to solve the needs of business owners like you and to make your blog experience unique for your readers and customers. 

Widgets and plug-ins cater to just about every interest or need from games, to social networking to SEO tracking and data. If you need it, you can probably find it in a widget or a plug-in.

Turn Your Blog Into Cash!

Looking to move your blog to Wordpress?  Find out all the amazing benefits of having Blogelina Transfer Your Blog For You - you'll actually save money over doing it yourself!  Don't believe me?  Check out the details for yourself here:  Blogelina's Total Transfer Package

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